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Exciting New Product Giveaway 🤩
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It's not every day you meet a true activist, passionately protecting the environment in which we live and angle but Frederik Lorentzen is one of those guys who doesn't give up easily. We caught up with Fred recently who gave us a little insight into his world...
"I started a facebook group back in november, to fight the government trying to help the farmers by ruining the danish nature and especially the water environment. It now has 14.000 members and I have appointed 5 admins to help me. We are getting invites to tv shows, getting contacted by politicians and press, so tons of work and new stuff happening all the time. We have had a couple of small victories but unfortunately we are not going to win. It´s very sad for the fish and the environment in general but we will continue to move forward.
Anyway, a little about my personal angling... I grew up by the water, with a father who build sailboats, so it was a natural thing to pick up a rod and begin fishing and when I was 11 years old my Uncle gave me my first fly rod. I have fished pretty much my whole life, but in my teenage years a friend gave me a skateboard and then skateboarding stole 18 years of my life, I have worked in the skateboard industry for more than 10 years. One day my ex's father took me fishing for searun brown trout on the danish coast, and I was hooked again. Slowly fishing took over the time spend on a board and i started documenting it like I was used to in skateboarding, in very short time I got my first job shooting a short film for a tackle shop. Today I work as a freelance photographer and cinematographer in flyfishing, writing articles and shooting photo´s for fishing magazines and doing a lot of different film projects all over the world."
Check out Fred's social below for his company InWadersMedia.
Pictures feature Peter Christensen, shot by Frederik.
Website: www.inwadersmedia.com
Instagram: Inwadersmedia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InwadersMedia/
Check out some of their work here: https://vimeo.com/140532462